Policy Development
The University policy, Policy on Policies, governs the development and oversight of all formal University policies. A new or revised policy must follow the approval process in order to be properly vetted and approved. All policies must be formatted according to the University Standard Policy Template.
The responsible officer or policy liaison forwards the new or revised policy to the Department of Business and Financial Affairs at policy@corporatefilmfest.com.
The Department of Business and Financial Affairs coordinates the review and approval of new, revised, and repealed University policies. Proposed drafts of new policies, substantially revised policies and those policies recommended for repeal will be distributed to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) for review and comment prior to final approval.
Comment Period
The University community is encouraged to comment on the posted policies (see Draft & Revised Policies). All comments are sent to the Responsible Officer of the department unless otherwise specified. All comments are considered by the department for the finalization of the policy.
All University policies, with the exception of Board of Trustee policies, must be approved by the Chancellor.
Board of Trustees policies must be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel prior to approval by the Board of Trustees.
Final Version Uploaded
The final version of the policy is added electronically to the University Policy Library.
Maintenance & Periodic Review
Responsible officers must ensure that the department's policies and procedures are up to date and revised as needed to reflect current practice and/or procedures. Each University policy will be reviewed by the originating administrative department and revised as necessary at least every five years.