Finding Funding

The Research Grant Development Team is working to build a Grant-Seeking Community of Practice across campus, enhance grantsmanship, and cultivate grant-seeking culture. This team supports faculty by identifying funding opportunities, developing grant-seeking capacity among researchers, providing support for proposal development, and facilitating multidisciplinary collaborations.


Inquire Now

Request a Finding Funding Consultation! Meet one-on-one with a Research Grant Development staff member to discuss your research project, funding goals, and identify well-aligned grant opportunities. This service is available to all faculty, regardless of career stage or level of experience with grant funding. A Finding Funding Consultation includes training on DU's grant databases, tips and tricks for searching and identifying well-aligned opportunities, and initial curated searches and/or suggested grant opportunities. Faculty will initiate their own prospecting and will receive ongoing guidance, support, and suggestions from the Research Grant Development team.

*Unfortunately, we cannot support students one-on-one at this time. However, students still have access to all DU grant databases.

Research Funding Inquiry Form
Have you been awarded internal or external grant funding before?
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